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8 Amazing Copy Formulas For Email Marketing

April 15, 20242 min read

8 Amazing Copy Formulas For Email Marketing

Ever wonder how to make your emails not just read, but acted upon?
Dive into these proven copywriting formulas that work!

Let's break them down, quick and dirty:

꩜ 1. The "So What?!" Formula
After every statement, imagine your reader asking "So What?".
Answer it. This keeps your benefits front and center.

This shows your reader that you are empathetic, you know their place, and you want to help.
This solves objections even before they rise to the surface.

꩜ 2. PASTOR (Problem, Amplify, Story OR Solution, Transformation, Offer, Response)
Present a problem, magnify it, tell a story or offer a solution, show the transformation and change, make an offer they can't refuse, and close with a rockstar action.

꩜ 3. PAS (Problem-Agitate-Solution)
Identify a problem and highlight its pain, explain why it hurts more than they think, and then offer your solution.

꩜ 4. AIDA (Attention-Interest-Desire-Action)
Grab 'em by the (eye)balls, pique their curiosity and interest, make them want it bad, and then compel action.

It’s the timeless "see it, want it, buy it" approach.

꩜ 5. ACCA (Awareness-Comprehension-Conviction-Action)
Make them know it, understand it, believe it, and act on it.

Teach them why your widget is a must-have, and then make buying it a no-brainer.

꩜ 6. BAB (Before-After-Bridge)
Paint a bleak picture, show a glorious/sunny outcome, then build the bridge with your product.

Turn their world from gray to great!

꩜ 7. FAB (Features-Advantages-Benefits)
Not just what it is, but why that’s good, and how it makes life better.

(FAB is also an amazing starting point when crafting headlines, USP, elevator pitches, etc.)

꩜ 8. The 4 C's (Clear, Concise, Credible, Compelling)
Speak plainly, get to the point, be believable, and make them an offer they can’t refuse.

It’s the BS-free, no-fluff-all-stuff approach.

In the world of direct response, every email is a potential cash register.
Each formula is a different tool in your belt, designed to pull in customers and keep 'em hooked.

Use them wisely and watch your email game—and sales—soar!

Make it ring! 🛎️💰

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