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Guarantees That Work Without Shooting Your Own Legs

April 22, 20241 min read

Crafting Outrageous Guarantees

(That Don't Backfire) 💥

Let's keep this simple.

→ Set Crystal Clear Conditions
Make sure your guarantee terms are crystal clear.
No small print tricks!
If folks feel safe, they're more likely to buy from you.

→ Cap Your Offer
Limit the guarantee to certain conditions or time frames.
Like, “first 30 days” or “up to $500 back.”
It keeps things controlled without dampening the boldness of your offer.

→ Track & Test
Keep an eye on how many folks actually claim the guarantee.
Too many? Maybe tweak your product.
Too few? Your product rocks or your guarantee could be even bolder!

→ Use Your Numbers
Base your guarantee on solid product performance data.
If you know only 2% might claim a refund, you can afford to make a bold promise.

→ Insurance Back-Up
For super-bold guarantees, consider insurance to cover potential losses. (Yes, it’s a thing!)

→ Highlight Benefits, Not The Guarantee
The guarantee grabs them, but your product's benefits keep them.
Make sure they know how awesome the product is first!
If you focus mainly on your guarantee, it might feel like evidence of cojones, grip, and grit;
Not quality.

Bottom Line:
Outrageous guarantees can make wallets spring open, but only if you're not left holding the bag.

Play it smart, and you play it profitable!

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