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Hardselling In eMail Marketing

April 17, 20241 min read

Hardselling In eMail Marketing

(Hint; Yes & No).

Hard-selling in email marketing?
It's like being that pushy salesperson who won't let you leave the store without buying.

It involves aggressive tactics, pushing a sale without much regard for the customer's needs or timing.

Sometimes, if you know your audience loves a straight pitch and an "act-now-or-else" deal.

But, it can annoy folks and burn bridges if overdone.

Instead, mix it up.

Balance hard sells with valuable content that educates and entertains, building trust FIRST.

The secret sauce? Know when to push and when to nurture.

That way, your emails won't just sell; they'll build lasting customer relationships.

Create a funnel that works for your brand; Following a KISS mode:
get discovered → build trust → show authority/authenticity/gusto/USP → close the deal → ???

Keep it savvy, not pushy!

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