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Why Discounts Are Not Always The Answer

April 18, 2024•1 min read

Why Your Sales Promos Might Hurt And Not Help

The Discount Dilemma

Offering discounts? Watch out!

Customers might just buy the cheapest items or those on sale, ignoring the full-priced goodies.

Bundle Blunders

Pushing promotions without bundles? You're missing out!

Bundle deals can increase the average order by pairing items at a slight discount—persuading buyers to grab more for a better deal.

Upsell Underuse

Not upselling? Big mistake! When someone picks a product, suggest higher-end alternatives or add-ons.

"Like this? You'll love this better version!"

Promotion Overload

Too many promos can train customers to wait for the next discount, hurting full-price sales.

Balance is key.

Customer Psychology

With promotions, the focus might shift to spending less rather than getting more value.

Without discounts, they choose based on preference, not price.

Tracking and Tweaking

Not tracking results? Start now! Use data to refine promotions and target the right products to the right people.

đź’ˇ Pro Tip:
Smart promotions and upselling strategies can boost that average order value.
Think, strategize, and execute wisely.
Your email campaigns are more than just selling—they're about smart selling.

Make every email & promo count!

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